Thursday, January 29, 2009

Teamwork and Healthy Workplaces: Strengthening the Links for Deliberation and Action through Research and Policy

(HealthcarePapers, 7(Sp) 2007: 98-103)

Ivy Oandasan

The two lead articles for this issue by Shamian and El-Jardali and by Clements, Dault and Priest provide an opportunity to consider how two agendas - teamwork in healthcare and the healthy workplace - can be strengthened to gain mutual advancement. Both agendas are in the pan-Canadian Health Human Resource (HHR) strategic plan in Canada and were also identified within the Health Council of Canada's 2005 Annual Report. Strong links have yet to be made related to the teamwork in healthcare agenda and its relationship with the workplace environment. Significant research has been conducted, and advocates are pushing for policy change. It is recommended that those engaged in the research in these two domains dialogue with each other and collectively consider ways in which they could advance the policy directions required to enhance both patient and provider satisfaction in our healthcare system. The teamwork and healthy workplace agendas require thoughtful deliberation between researchers and policy-makers to inform action

Read the article here.

To subscribe to any of the Longwoods journals, click here.

CAREERS: sent to +40,000 people including Canada’s student nurses.

Today's Jobs
Chief Technologist, Medical Imaging - Northern Health, Prince George, BC
Vice President, Academic - The Michener Institute, Toronto, ON
Executive Director, Home Health & End of Life Care - Fraser Health, Surrey, BC
Clinical Nurse Coordinator - PHSA, Vancouver, BC
President & CEO - Joseph Brant Memorial Hospital, Burlingon, ON
Manager, Mental Health & Addictions - Burnaby Centre for Mental Health & Addictions, VCH, BC
Vice-President, Finance & Information Technology - Lakeridge Health Corporation
Editor/Writer, Health System Analysis - CIHI, Toronto, ON
Managers - The Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, Toronto, ON
Executive Director, Policy & Standards Development - The Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care. Toronto, ON
Managers - The Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, Toronto & Kingston,ON
Endowed Chair, Daphne Cockwell School of Nursing - Ryerson University, Toronto, ON
Program Manager, Clinical Neurosciences, University Hospital, London Health Sciences, London, ON
Coordinator, Clinical Neurosciences, University Hospital, London Health Sciences, London, ON
Nursing & Leadership Opportunities with the Provincial Health Services Authority of BC

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[Send your career opportunities to Susan Hale at]


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Career Opportunities at Norther Health


Recruiters find the Longwoods JobSheet gives very good return for healthcare positions. Posting is easy. Here are the details.

The JobSheet is simple: cheap, fast, efficient, & very effective.
Cost is $1.00 a word per week (net + gst). Minimum $75.00 (net + gst) per posting.
Logos can be included for an additional $20.00 (net + gst) each.

Positions are posted on our JobSheet and promoted in the weekly Longwoods eLetter, which goes out every Tuesday morning to over 40,000+ healthcare readers. Click here for our eLetter Archives.

Note: Discounts apply for multiple week postings (i.e. 10% for 2 weeks, 15% for 3 weeks, 20% for 4 weeks). Postings are billed per week based on word count. All of our recruiting rates are net.

Here's how it works - Send me the words and logo in a Word document. I will send you a quote, then I will post the ad online and send you a URL for proofing. We will invoice by mail unless a different method is requested.

Want to know more? Contact Susan Hale by email or call 416-864-9667 x 104.


An Up-Close Look at Seven Major Health Professions
Canadian Institute for Health Information

With more than one million people in Canada employed in health occupations it is crucial to understand who they are, their work patterns and how their workforce is evolving is vital in planning for the future of health care in Canada. CIHI's five reports provides the data of seven Canadian major health professions.

In a series of five new reports released December 1, 2008, the Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI) provides the latest available and most comprehensive data in Canada about the supply, distribution, migration, education, demographic trends and work patterns for seven major health professions.

Read the article here.

Check out this blog: The MaRS Blog

Recent posts include:

Hiring your friends: Is it such a good idea?
Building teams: Tribes rule!


January 27/09

John Ruetz to Vice-President, People Services and Organizational Effectiveness, Bridgepoint Health
Esko Vainio to retire from Timmins and District Hospital
Nancy Fletcher to Interim Chief Nurse Executive at The Scarborough Hospital
Norman Maciver to retirement as CEO at West Parry Sound Health Centre and Lakeland Long-Term Care
Donald Sanderson to CEO at West Parry Sound Health Centre and Lakeland Long-Term Care
Rema Zawi to member of the board of Trillium Gift of Life Network
Christine Clark to member of the board of Trillium Gift of Life Network
Dr. Brian Schwartz to Director of Emergency Management Support, Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion

January 20/09

Ida Goodreau to President and CEO of LifeLabs (billed as Canada’s biggest diagnostic laboratory company). More here.
Michelle Obama to First Lady of the United States of America. Formerly vice president for community and external affairs at the University of Chicago Hospitals.
Sheila Weatherill to fact finder and to conduct a study of the Maple Leaf Foods listeriosis outbreak. More here.
Karen Casey to Nova Scotia’s Minister of Health.
Leslee J. Thompson to President and CEO, Kingston General Hospital.
Dr. Brian Schwartz to Director of Emergency Management Support, Agency for Health Protection and Promotion.
Dr. Nancy Whitmore to Chief of Staff and Vice President, Medical Affairs, St. Thomas Elgin General Hospital.
Michael O'Mahoney, President of the foundation of the Hospital for Sick Children – to attend divinity school.
Lorraine Manners to Engagement Manager, Ray & Berndtson.

[Don’t forget, we don’t make these up. Please send your promotions, appointments, retirements and other transitions to] Our transitions come from sources we believe to be reliable. We do not guarantee that they are correct. But we are rarely wrong.

Review all recently reported Transitions here.

For a three-year searchable history of leadership transitions and appointments across the country, organized by date, click here. Or visit Longwoods Transitions in Healthcare Blog for recent healthcare transitions.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

The importance of high employee engagement during a recession. Why it’s important and how it’s measured - a one-hour Webcast from Hewitt Associates. Please click here to register.

Today's Jobs:

Chief Technologist, Medical Imaging - Northern Health, Prince George, BC
Vice President, Academic - The Michener Institute, Toronto, ON
Executive Director, Home Health & End of Life Care - Fraser Health, Surrey, BC
Clinical Nurse Coordinator - PHSA, Vancouver, BC
President & CEO - Joseph Brant Memorial Hospital, Burlingon, ON
Manager, Mental Health & Addictions - Burnaby Centre for Mental Health & Addictions, VCH, BC
Vice-President, Finance & Information Technology - Lakeridge Health Corporation
Editor/Writer, Health System Analysis - CIHI, Toronto, ON
Managers - The Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, Toronto, ON
Executive Director, Policy & Standards Development - The Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care. Toronto, ON
Managers - The Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, Toronto & Kingston,ON
Endowed Chair, Daphne Cockwell School of Nursing - Ryerson University, Toronto, ON
Program Manager, Clinical Neurosciences, University Hospital, London Health Sciences, London, ON
Coordinator, Clinical Neurosciences, University Hospital, London Health Sciences, London, ON
Nursing & Leadership Opportunities with the Provincial Health Services Authority of BC
Career Opportunities at Courtyard Group
Career Opportunities at Strata Health
Career Opportunities at Northern Health
Career Opportunities at London Health Sciences
Career Opportunities at Alberta Health Services
Career Opportunities at Vancouver Coastal Health
Career Opportunities at Fraser Health
Career Opportunities at CIHI

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Scarcity of Health Human Resources: A Chronic National Disease

Thomas F. Ward


If one looks at the past and present concerns about health human resources in the country, it seems that the health human resource question might be characterized as a chronic national, now international, disease. As a disease, it causes much stress and attendant fatigue, and when there are acute exacerbations it debilitates our healthcare system. Management of this malady will require a committed national effort directed in several areas. These areas include establishment of an enhanced national database of healthcare professionals, further research into the areas of recruitment, retention and renewal, and the development of a national overarching framework for managing this complex problem . Finally, there is a need to clarify the roles of both the provincial and federal governments in bringing long-term stability to the health human resources workforce in Canada.

Read the article here.

To subscribe to any of the Longwoods journals click here.


Today's Jobs are sent to +40,000 people, including Canada's student nurses, each week.

Manager, Mental Health & Addictions - Burnaby Centre for Mental Health & Addictions, VCH, BC
Vice-President, Finance & Information Technology - Lakeridge Health Corporation
Senior Director of Corporate Services - South West CCAC
Editor/Writer, Health System Analysis - CIHI, Toronto, ON
Managers - The Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, Toronto, ON
Executive Director, Policy & Standards Development - The Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care. Toronto, ON
Managers - The Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, Toronto & Kingston,ON
Clinical Application Support Specialist - St. Michael's Hospital, Toronto, ON
Endowed Chair, Daphne Cockwell School of Nursing - Ryerson University, Toronto, ON
Program Manager, Clinical Neurosciences, University Hospital, London Health Sciences, London, ON
Coordinator, Clinical Neurosciences, University Hospital, London Health Sciences, London, ON
Nursing & Leadership Opportunities with the Provincial Health Services Authority of BC
Career Opportunities at Courtyard Group
Career Opportunities at Strata Health
Career Opportunities at London Health Sciences
Career Opportunities at Alberta Health Services
Career Opportunities at Vancouver Coastal Health
Career Opportunities at Fraser Health
Career Opportunities at CIHI


Recruiters find the Longwoods JobSheet gives very good return for healthcare positions. Posting is easy. Here are the details.

The JobSheet is simple: cheap, fast, efficient, & very effective.
Cost is $1.00 a word per week (net + gst). Minimum $75.00 (net + gst) per posting.
Logos can be included for an additional $20.00 (net + gst) each*.

Positions are posted on our JobSheet and promoted in the weekly Longwoods eLetter, which goes out every Tuesday morning to over 40,000+ healthcare readers. Click here for our eLetter Archives.

Note: Discounts apply for multiple week postings (i.e. 10% for 2 weeks, 15% for 3 weeks, 20% for 4 weeks). Postings are billed per week based on word count. All of our recruiting rates are net.

Here's how it works - Send me the words and logo in a Word document. I will send you a quote, then I will post the ad online and send you a URL for proofing. We will invoice by mail unless a different method is requested.

Want to know more? Contact Susan Hale by email or call 416-864-9667 x 104.

For more than 60 participating healthcare recruitment centres, click here.

Featured Portal
Career Opportunities at Alberta Health Services


Not just luck of the draw
McLean Robbins

  Although once thought of as alcohol and substance abuse management programs, employee assistance programs have grown over recent years to incorporate a much larger range of offerings - including helping employees manage legal, financial, wellness and stress issues..

Check out this blog: Cheezhead

Recent posts include:

Healthcare recruitment trends for 2009

Using MySpace to recruit candidates for jobs

TRANSITIONS | last two weeks

January 13, 2009

Dr. Penny Ballem
to City Manager of Vancouver
Dr. Sarah Kredentser to President, College of Family Physicians of Canada
Dr. Ruth Wilson to Past President, College of Family Physicians of Canada
Dr. Cathy MacLean to Secretary-Treasurer, College of Family Physicians of Canada
Dr. Rob Boulay to Member-at-Large, College of Family Physicians of Canada
Dr. Val Rachlis to Member-at-Large, College of Family Physicians of Canada
Dr. Harold Dion to Member-at-Large, College of Family Physicians of Canada

January 6, 2009

Jill Tettmann
to Acting Chief Executive Officer, North Simcoe Muskoka LHIN.
Dr. Simon Davidson to Regional Chief of the partnership of Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO) and the Royal Ottawa Mental Health Centre (ROMHC) for child and youth mental health programs at both hospitals.
Karen Tataryn to Regional Director, Specialized Psychiatric and Mental Health Services for Children and Youth (CHEO/ROMHC).

[Don’t forget, we don’t make these up. Please send your promotions, appointments, retirements and other transitions to] Our transitions come from sources we believe to be reliable. We do not guarantee that they are correct. But we are rarely wrong.

Review all recently reported Transitions here.
For a three-year searchable history of leadership transitions and appointments across the country, organized by date, click here. Or visit Longwoods Transitions in Healthcare Blog for recent healthcare transitions.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The School of Public Health at the University of Alberta is recruiting these Academic Positions
Director, Centre for Health Promotion Studies
Assistant or Associate Professor, Environmental Health Sciences
Tenure-Track Assistant of Associate Professor in Biostatistics
Assistant or Associate Professors, Health Economics or Policy
Assistant or Associate Professor & Academic Co-Director
Senior Professor in Environmental Pediatrics and Child Health
Academic Positions

Job opportunities at CIHI: Health Analysis/Analyse de la santé (5) | IT Services/Services TI (4) | Corporate/Srvcs administratifs (1)

Monday, January 5, 2009

Nursing Leadership (CJNL), 18(3) 2005: 26-29
Health Human Resources Planning in an Interdisciplinary Care Environment: To Dream the Impossible Dream?
Cathy Fooks

" There has been a lot of rhetoric in the past about the need for integrated planning. This rhetoric must now gradually give way to breathing life into the concept by reforming the ways in which governments interact with each other and with the providers of health and social services.
" Interprofessional education has been defined as 'occasions when two or more professions learn from and about each other to improve collaboration and the quality of care' (CAIPE 1997). Much that has been written about interprofessional education (IPE) and the interprofessional team has concentrated on two or at most three professions, primarily medicine, nursing and pharmacy. Educational programs described in the literature tend to focus on activities involving students, practitioners or both. Very little has been written about the structural changes that need to be made within universities, colleges and the healthcare industry such that IPE becomes a joint responsibility across a number of jurisdictions that may then effectively influence institutional practice."

A statement made, perhaps, in any one of the recent reviews of Canadian healthcare? No. These comments were made by Maureen Law, then Associate Deputy Minister of Health and Welfare, Government of Canada, at a conference on Canada's healthcare system in 1984.

Read more here.

CAREERS: sent to +40,000 people including Canada’s student nurses.
Today's Jobs

Nursing Unit Administrator, NICU & Level 2 Nursery - Mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto, ON
Endowed Chair, Daphne Cockwell School of Nursing - Ryerson University, Toronto, ON
Chief Financial Officer - New Women’s College Hospital, Toronto, ON
Chief Nursing Executive - Women’s College Hospital, Toronto, ON
Vice President Patient Services - Toronto Grace Health Centre, Toronto, ON
CFO - Alberta Health Services, Edmonton, AB
COO, Corporate Services - Alberta Health Services, Edmonton, AB
COO, Health Strategies, Research & Design - Alberta Health Services, Edmonton, AB
Project Manager, Clinical Neurosciences, University Hospital, London Health Sciences, London, ON
Coordinator, Clinical Neurosciences, University Hospital, London Health Sciences, London, ON
Nursing & Leadership Opportunities with the Provincial Health Services Authority of BC
Career Opportunities at Courtyard Group
Career Opportunities at Strata Health
Career Opportunities at London Health Sciences
Career Opportunities at Alberta Health Services
Career Opportunities at Vancouver Coastal Health
Career Opportunities at Fraser Health
Career Opportunities at CIHI

Visit our portal of more than 60 participating healthcare recruitment centres.

[Send your career opportunities to Susan Hale at]