(HealthcarePapers, 7(Sp) 2007: 98-103)
Ivy Oandasan
The two lead articles for this issue by Shamian and El-Jardali and by Clements, Dault and Priest provide an opportunity to consider how two agendas - teamwork in healthcare and the healthy workplace - can be strengthened to gain mutual advancement. Both agendas are in the pan-Canadian Health Human Resource (HHR) strategic plan in Canada and were also identified within the Health Council of Canada's 2005 Annual Report. Strong links have yet to be made related to the teamwork in healthcare agenda and its relationship with the workplace environment. Significant research has been conducted, and advocates are pushing for policy change. It is recommended that those engaged in the research in these two domains dialogue with each other and collectively consider ways in which they could advance the policy directions required to enhance both patient and provider satisfaction in our healthcare system. The teamwork and healthy workplace agendas require thoughtful deliberation between researchers and policy-makers to inform action
Read the article here.
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An Up-Close Look at Seven Major Health Professions
Canadian Institute for Health Information
With more than one million people in Canada employed in health occupations it is crucial to understand who they are, their work patterns and how their workforce is evolving is vital in planning for the future of health care in Canada. CIHI's five reports provides the data of seven Canadian major health professions.
In a series of five new reports released December 1, 2008, the Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI) provides the latest available and most comprehensive data in Canada about the supply, distribution, migration, education, demographic trends and work patterns for seven major health professions.
Read the article here.
Check out this blog: The MaRS Blog Recent posts include:
Hiring your friends: Is it such a good idea?
Building teams: Tribes rule!
January 27/09
John Ruetz to Vice-President, People Services and Organizational Effectiveness, Bridgepoint Health
Esko Vainio to retire from Timmins and District Hospital
Nancy Fletcher to Interim Chief Nurse Executive at The Scarborough Hospital
Norman Maciver to retirement as CEO at West Parry Sound Health Centre and Lakeland Long-Term Care
Donald Sanderson to CEO at West Parry Sound Health Centre and Lakeland Long-Term Care
Rema Zawi to member of the board of Trillium Gift of Life Network
Christine Clark to member of the board of Trillium Gift of Life Network
Dr. Brian Schwartz to Director of Emergency Management Support, Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion
January 20/09
Ida Goodreau to President and CEO of LifeLabs (billed as Canada’s biggest diagnostic laboratory company). More here.
Michelle Obama to First Lady of the United States of America. Formerly vice president for community and external affairs at the University of Chicago Hospitals.
Sheila Weatherill to fact finder and to conduct a study of the Maple Leaf Foods listeriosis outbreak. More here.
Karen Casey to Nova Scotia’s Minister of Health.
Leslee J. Thompson to President and CEO, Kingston General Hospital.
Dr. Brian Schwartz to Director of Emergency Management Support, Agency for Health Protection and Promotion.
Dr. Nancy Whitmore to Chief of Staff and Vice President, Medical Affairs, St. Thomas Elgin General Hospital.
Michael O'Mahoney, President of the foundation of the Hospital for Sick Children – to attend divinity school.
Lorraine Manners to Engagement Manager, Ray & Berndtson.
[Don’t forget, we don’t make these up. Please send your promotions, appointments, retirements and other transitions to publisher@longwoods.com.] Our transitions come from sources we believe to be reliable. We do not guarantee that they are correct. But we are rarely wrong.
Review all recently reported Transitions here.
For a three-year searchable history of leadership transitions and appointments across the country, organized by date, click here. Or visit Longwoods Transitions in Healthcare Blog for recent healthcare transitions.